Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Little Bag That's Stolen My Heart

I know it's wrong, but I'm coveting this bag. I'll just have to make another. This was a Christmas gift, so I knew all along it wasn't for me and that I just needed to get over it....but I just haven't...I'm having bag envy. I can just see myself, bopping around Fish Creek....Door County that is...little bag under my arm, looking cute. And I suppose it should have a "J" instead of an "A". ;-)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

There Should be a Law

I think we should petition Congress. Little kids should not be made to suffer through the flu. Our poor Marshall Ames started his descent into flu-dom yesterday morning with a cruel wakeup call....pook in his bed. I think by the end of the day he had counted 9 separate places he had pooked in the house. And that wasn't the only end that suffered. Luckily he has convinced himself that drinking lots of water will keep the pook down....so we're not getting dehydrated.

Today brought better hope....no pooking until late in the day. Poor guy...he begs not to do it before the reflex takes over. It makes me cry. Please God, let him feel better or at least give him the strength to believe he WILL feel better.

Ode to My Mom

This little box means so much to me. Weird to be so connected to cardboard? Not really. This little box represents how hard my mom worked for us everyday we were growing up. I didn't realize until I had my own children how hard her job was. She commuted 2 hours a day to work, did all the housework, cooking, cleaning, etc (you know what I'm talking about moms.) Then she always made holidays and birthdays so special for us. Not by spending tons of money (although she and my dad would have spent the last dime they had to make us happy), but by creating an atmosphere that made us feel special and loved and like an important person in the universe.

Enter the little box. This is the box that for over 30 years has held all the little frosting tips she used to decorate our very special birthday cakes. We could come up with ANYTHING to put on a cake and she would miraculouslly recreate it in frosting and sugar. The little box makes me remember that everytime I use it...now it's mine and I cherish it.

My mom. Superwoman.

Monday, December 15, 2008

No, He's Not a Girl

We've had this problem for a while....just a month shy of five years actually. Literally EVERY time we would take Marshall out when he was a little guy of Clancey's size we would receive the following comment from some kind person. "Your little girl is so pretty." We'd grin and say thank you, not wanting to embarrass the compliment giver for mistaking our beautiful, long eye-lashed, blue-eyed male babe for a beautiful, long eye-lashed, blue-eyed female. But alas, in our efforts to save the feelings of many a stranger we felt like maybe we needed to dress him a little butchier or (gasp) cut his long silky curls (which I did do and made me cry).

Well here we are with beautiful, long eye-lashed, hazel-eyed male number two, Clancey Dylan. Frankly, yes he's picture perfect, I won't lie ;-). However, I think he looks pretty much BOY. Nope, we are having issues once again. Just the other day at the doctor's office the nurse said "this is HER second flu shot, correct?" Yep, is all I said to defend my gender-bending off-spring. The nurse came back into the room with the shot and said "I'm so sorry I called him a girl, he's just so beatuiful that I thought he was a she."

Now, regarding the outfit shown....even Marshall said "Mommy that makes him look like a girl." Then Levi "Jen that makes him look like a girl." Okay it does. Check this one off the list to wear in public.

Sorry boys, you're just too pretty. My little heartbreakers in the making.

Marshall, The Photo Journalist

I think the time has come...Marsh needs a camera of his own. A couple nights ago he shot a small photo montage of our evening during the supper rush. He finds the best shots...I think he's got "the eye" like his Uncle Mike. Very interesting perspective of the world. More to come.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa~
I've been a very good girl this year and I hear you have a pretty roomy sleigh, so I would like to ask for a very special china hutch, constructed in the 1880's to be delivered to my dining room.
I'll put out extra cookies.
Thank you,

Christmas Cheer, Far From Here

The Christmas cheer is flowing like the river that runs through downtown in Stoughton, Wisconsin. My dear husband and I were lucky enough to spend the entire Victorian Holiday Weekend there. (thanks mom and dad for watching the boys!!) We enjoyed time with my brother and sister-in-law, soaked in the atmosphere and contemplated how we could finagle moving here permanently! If any of you are fans of the Gilmore Girls you'll understand this reference.....we stepped into Stars Hollow for three days. Seriously. The town is full of interesting people, BEAUTIFUL architecture, a bustling historic downtown and loaded to the gills with charm. Shopowners greet you with a warm welcome, are more than attentive and made me want to return time after time. (Especially to the Catfish River Arts & Antiques where I am SERIOUSLY coveting an 1880's china hutch) Lots of towns could learn a lesson or two by visiting this place...it is incredible, summer or winter, spring or fall. We attended a cookie walk put on the local United Methodist ladies....and were told they had already taken down SIX tables of cookies (there were four left) by the time we got there!! We're going early next year. Took a wonderful, snowy horsedrawn wagon ride through the beautiful neighborhoods and downtown. Enjoyed pizza and a movie (at the same time!!) at the Cinema Cafe. Watched the bed races, what a sight. Listened to the Stoughton Chamber Singers in their enchanting Victorian Holiday Concert, given at the restored Opera House (another beauty to behold). I forgot to mention the firetruck parade...area trucks decked out in lights, music, reindeer, snowmen....all after dark. It was dazzling.
I'm seriously addicted to Stoughton.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Now This is Talent

A couple months ago we had our family photos taken...as was necessary because by the looks of the photos around our house one would think we had only one child! Somehow that second babe seems to really rile things up and not much in the way of "extras" get done, IE no professional photos of him. SOO....in an effort to remedy his absence from our wall-o-family we scheduled a date with a wonderfully talented photographer in Madison, Jen Roh....the very same who took the very lovely photos at my brother and sister-in-law's wedding....GORGEOUS photos.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ying and Yang

It's so funny really....I always thought when I had a second baby that he would be pretty much like the first one...I mean they have the same genes, right?
I was wrong.
Frankly on any given topic they are polar opposites...but in a good way. Clancey is our little ham, always laughing, always trying to make us laugh...ie the wet towel on his head. Marsh is the consumate gentleman, always offering to help, serious, polite, well mannered. And they fit. They fit each other like cinnamon and sugar...the perfect compliments. I really couldn't have asked for sweeter boys. Boys that worship the ground the other walks on. I hope it's always that way. Nothing more special than brothers.