Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fabric Flowers

Do you remember this project from WAY back? I just winged it with the bag....but I promised a tute on the fabric flowers. I know, I know....I make promises, then take thirty five years to follow through. ;-) it is! With a felt backing they are easy to either pin or sew onto whatever you can imagine!!

These flowers are SUPER easy to make...mainly because there's no right or wrong. I love those kind of projects. Basically you will need some fabric and a little felt circle (or square or triangle....whatever floats your boat.)

Now I'm going to share my super spy secret. Do you know how to make a TINY piece of silk go A LONG WAY? I'll tell you. Cut back and forth lots of times...but don't cut all the way through each time. See above photo.

You'll end up with this. A LOOOOONG strand of silk (or whatever fabric you like)!

Next, plug in your glue gun and wait for it to heat up....and enjoy a nice chilly diet cherry 7-up. It's the best beverage for doing DIY. Oh and if my husband Santa is reading this.....I'd like some glue sticks (the mini kind) in my stocking. (hey it's never too early to give your husband Santa hints...he he he)

Back to the project at hand. Now glue the corner to the circle.

Here's the easy part. Twist, scrunch, glue. Twist, scrunch glue. Lots of times.

Keep going...we're almost done!

Ta da. Okay, you got me. This is my second flower. The first was....well...shall we say "not ready for its close up". It takes a bit of practice...and a light hand with the glue gun. I went crazy with the first one. I can't promise you won't have A TON a little glue stuck to your fingers. I mean, we are artists....artists suffer for their art. Look at van Gogh, he cut off his ear. I'm not asking you to do that. Well.....he was mentally ill, suffering from syphilis, and drank a quart of turpentine before doing so.....but hey, he suffered for his art.
A little glue on your fingers isn't looking so bad now, eh? ;-)
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  1. Those are cool? All from a strip of fabric? I can see how your hands might suffer with glue gun burns! :)

  2. thanks for this tutorial. It looks so great. And, the bag is so fun!


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