Monday, February 21, 2011

Signs for the Summer Kitchen

Besides painting my dining room a wacky shade of cotton candy, I've been a busy girl lately.  Lots of signs to be painted.  I had the honor on Friday as being introduced as "This is Jen, she's a signpainter."  Huh?  I'm just a weird girl who paints signs.....a signpainter?   It was cool.  Thanks Cathy. She had commissioned a sign for her friend, Sheepie Neighbor, and I was delivering that, along with three other signs to be sold in her Summer Kitchen.

Sheepie was pleased with her sign....that makes me smile.

This little sign was fun....highlighted letters are the coolest, yes? And who doesn't like pie? 
 No one, of course. 

The more beat up the wood, the better.  I get the weird looks at the ReStore..."why would you want THAT wood?  No one else will want, just take it."  Thank you very much.  Yes, I'm the girl who wants the beat up, old, delaminating, dirty wood.  Dirtier the better I say.

This piece of wood really raised eyebrows.  "You realize it has a HOLE in it, right?"  Perfect I say. 

Sandhill School was a country school in Northern Scott County....thanks to Cathy I am getting some awesome inspiration in the way of "historic" place names....hopefully you are all inspired to run right over to her Summer Kitchen and snatch these up. ;-)

I will admit, the Rohlk sign I fell a little in love with.  To begin with it was an AWESOME piece of wood...scratched, splattered, dirty, warped...AWESOME.  Perfect for a lumberyard sign.  The lettering is in my favorite shade of green...highlighted letters (LUV)....highlighted detail on the divider...luvs. 

It was a little hard to let this one go...but I did...Cathy assured me someone would love it. (and maybe it will pay for my cotton candy mistake. he he he)


  1. You go Signpainter!! Love all of them. Mistake didn't grow on you over the weekend huh?

  2. you should come by my neighborhood in Dav (Oakbrook)... there are a lot of houses being built and tons of great scrap wood is being tossed out left and right. I look at it going in the trash every single day and think that there is someone out there who could put all this to good use.

  3. I love you. And your signs. Just perfect. I love the one with the hole.

    Will you do a sign-making tutorial with me? I want to make one. I asked Cathy to host a sign-making class at the farm.

  4. seriously?



    your signs put mine to shame. i'm am beyond WOWed. that rohlk's sign gave me goosebumps. yep, goosebumps!

    you are a signpainter. and amazingly talented signpainter! own the title!

    keep sharing! you are my muse!

  5. Oh my! your signs are GORGEOUS. You have some serious talent girl. I think my favorite is the pie on. I just love it.

  6. I don't live anywhere near you, but I would love to purchase the Pie sign. Pleas email me if that is possible.

  7. Wow I love your signs you are soooo talented. I made a old looking sign this past week by making a mistake - I'd love for you to check it out :+)

    PS: I'm also hosting a give-away feel free to leave a comment and enter xo.

  8. You are supremely talented, my friend. The highlighted letters are insane! I think my fave is the lumber sign...or the pie. Or maybe I'm just hungry.

  9. these are A-MA-ZING!! love them!!


I kinda love comments, who doesn't? Nice comments. Only. I'm picky that way. ;-)