Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ladies' Night

As I was looking through the '09 photos today I came across these.....this was a little party I hosted....kind of like a tupperware party, but for jewelry instead. I'd been invited to one of these, declined the "opportunity" to host my own when asked....and then was asked again and thought, oh what the heck.
It turned out to be SO. MUCH. FUN!! The jewerly part was okay, but the fellowship of so many women, giggling, laughing, conversing, eating and enjoying each other's company was fabulous! As women in this day and age we don't often gather, the way women in the past would. We don't take opportunities to enjoy each other's wisdom, trials, and friendship.
In this new year I will definitely have to put more of these gatherings on my calendar....just ladies' evenings to enjoy the wit and wisdom of our sisters! and some sinful appetizers! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I sell Premier Jewelry and I wish more people thought like you. Girls night, fun food and free jewelry for the host....I just don't get it.


I kinda love comments, who doesn't? Nice comments. Only. I'm picky that way. ;-)