Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Valentine Framed Fabric

Valentine's Day is coming! And it's going to come quickly, as we have a birthday celebration this weekend and then Valentine's is the next fun holiday to look forward to! I've started a few crafty projects to decorate for this ushy gushy holiday filled to the brim with lovey dovey smooches. Okay, I can only say something like that on my blog....I live with three men. ;-)
(Two little, one big...all who roll their eyes at all things girly)
This was a SUPER EASY, SUPER QUICKY project.
One ugly frame (spray paint your desired hue)
One piece of fabric
Letters spelling your choice of smoochy, lovey things (I used the Cricut, yay!)
1. Paint frame
2. Put fabric on cardboard frame backing, use tape to secure (therefore your fabric can be pulled out at any time and won't be damaged)
3. Arrange letters on fabric
4. Reassemble frame

This is the frame "before". Yikes, I know.

1 comment:

  1. How easy! I need to get on more valentines decor this weekend, and this would work for me!


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