Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monogram Window Tutorial

Please ignore the GIANT reflection in this was just that time of day.
I've had some REALLY nice comments about the monogrammed window on my springtime mantel. SO....I thought I'd share a quick little tutorial! This is a really quick, really easy project for big impact. I like that....easy and big. ;-)

First find a design you really can be ANYTHING. I use Microsoft Publisher to do everything, so I copied the image I found into Publisher, sized it to my window, inversed the image (this is important), then printed it out. Here's a little don't need to print it out in black, just do it in light gray. SAVES INK!!! Did you know printer ink is the single most expensive fluid on earth? My husband told me that, so I'll just take it as fact.

When you have your pages lined up, tape them all together and trim the whole show to fit inside your window frame.

Find a really dirty, really old FREE window.

The dirtier the better.
Be sure to clean clean clean your dirty dirty window.
Windex the heck out of this puppy.

This is the only part that might be confusing. When your window is nice and clean tape the image onto the side of window that you want to see as your final result. My window was stained wood on the good side, painted wood on the other. I wanted the stained side to show, so I taped my image to that side, so that I could see the inversed image through the window.

When your image is placed the way you want it, paint away! I used Folk Art acrylic craft paint in a nice turquoise color. Don't get too caught up in making everything perfect. Focus on nice brush strokes and clean lines.

It's best to paint on the back side of the window because the finished result is a nice smooth image through the glass. You can paint on the front of the glass if you prefer, but I like the smooth look behind the glass.

Paint over your image a few times to get a nice opaque coverage.
Remove the paper from the window. Flip over your window.

There you have it, a pretty (easy) monogrammed window!

Linking to:
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality

It's So Very Creative at It's So Very Cheri

Trash to Treasure Tuesday at Reinvented


  1. It turned out great! I love old windows. It looks especially good on the mantel. Thanks for the tute!


  2. Love it! I really like that you hand painted it. I like Microsoft Publisher too....I just need to figure out how to use it-- enlarging images onto several papers always gets me.

    * So true about the printer ink!

  3. That is beautiful!!! Thank you for the instructions!!!

  4. um, love it! This is a great idea, and seems easy enough. I am going to try it!

  5. That's beautiful!! Thanks so, so much for the instructions! I think I might even be able to do it!

  6. Love it and you did a fab job !

  7. This is so awesome. Sigh...maybe you should just do one for me too!

  8. Such a sweet window! Thanks for the how-to!

  9. Super cute and thanks so much for sharing your know-how!

  10. Love your window! You're way more talented than I. lol

  11. That looks great! Thanks for sharing how you did it!

  12. This is an awesome project. You did a great job. I will totally be coping this idea!!! :) Thanks!!


  13. This is SUCH a great idea!!! I thought it was a real vinyl. I'd love to try this one day. Thanks for the great tutorial. Oh, and p.s. - feel like coming over and redoing my mantel?? I love how you did yours!

  14. Thanks so much for the tutorial, your whole mantel is so beautiful....I think that I may copy everything you did!

    :) Michelle

  15. Love it! I would so do this to my back door if there wasn't an ugly screen in the way.

  16. LOVE THIS IDEA. you did an awesome job and thanks for sharing it ...did you use a special paint to do it?

  17. I love it! I have a passion for old windows, and yours turned out fabulous!

  18. THis is so cool! Totally reminds me of my monogram windows - we are soulmates, me thinks. ;) Only you are crafty enough to paint it. I used vinyl.

    Thanks for linking this up.

  19. I love how this turned out. I think I could do this.


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