Sunday, May 16, 2010


The kitchen ceiling project has now moved into phase 2.....details coming soon. However, there are a few lessons I'd like to pass along in case any crazy people fellow DIYers would like to take down a drop ceiling in the near future. First....while in the process of taking down a ceiling full to the brim with gross blown-in insulation, protect your diet 7-up.....unless you like your drink with fur topping.
Lesson #2: Projects NEVER go as planned....just go with it. Our ceiling had TWO layers of drop....a fiber tile layer AND a dry wall layer. Yay me. It works out best to take down one at a time. I was a pro by the end.

Lesson #3: Don't be offended by the huge mess. It sweeps up.

Lesson #4: When everything goes to H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS don't cry. It just makes the dust stick to your face.

Lesson #5: When you can see ALL THE WAY TO YOUR ROOF through the ceiling, that's not all bad. It opens up a world of opportunity to rewire for the snazzy pendant lights you've always wanted...

......and install the vent hood you've always wanted over the stove.

Lesson #6: Marry a man who thinks you are half off your rocker but loves you anyway. To all my sweet friends who wondered how he reacted when he saw my "project".....he offered to help clean it up, and fix it......and said "whatever you think is best." You're dying right now aren't you. Too bad, he's taken. ;-)

Lesson #7: Use plastic. LOTS of plastic.

LESSON #8: Borrow or steal the greatest Dad on earth who has lots of great ideas....and knows how to execute them, flawlessly.
Coming next.....the inspiration photos.....I can't wait to share them.


  1. Looks like things are coming along just fine! Can't wait to see the inspiration photos. Make them good; I want to use them to sway Larry. ;-)


  2. You are so brave. I'm sure it will be beautiful when you're done. It will be fun to see your inspiration pics. Good luck!

    I'm glad you have a great Dad to help you out!

  3. Holy moley, girl! You weren't kidding when you said this was a big job. I cannot WAIT to see it all come together. It's going to be great.

  4. That first picture made me laugh! The life of a DIYer. Can't wait to see it all come together!


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