Monday, October 24, 2011

It's POTTY Time!

I will say, this post seems a little like cruel and unusual punishment for you fine readers.  I get all lazy-pants on posting lately...and the first thing I come up with is a potty post.  That's how I roll folks.  Three men = need for two potties. This is a big deal-e-o around these parts.   First, have a look-see at my plumber up there.  It's always great to see means progress will happen.  Thankyoulord. 

And no plumber butt is ever involved....double bonus.

It's alllllmmmmmoooooossssttttt time.

She's in!   Water flowing.  Flushable.  She's a beaut.  Look at those beautiful square lines. 
Now this is a potty. 
A pretty potty.

Here's the deets if you're interested....because I know this post was riveting. ;-)


  1. haha! you got it kim!

    so, i'm pretty sure this is the first blog post I've ever read about a toilet!

    And i love that they choose to use the word 'power' on the toilet box. hrmmm.

  2. Oh how beautiful! I know how thrilled you must be. I don't blame you. Yea your you!!!!


I kinda love comments, who doesn't? Nice comments. Only. I'm picky that way. ;-)