Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How Project Life Rocked My World

So....Pinterest.  It gets us all in in, I want to learn 3897 new crafts....before tomorrow....because I saw it on Pinterest.  HOWEVER, this time Pinterest did not lead me led me to the scrapbooking promised land.   I was scrolling Pinterest...because that's what I do when I'm sleepy.  It's like warm milk for my brain.  THEN, a friend had posted a pic of a Project Life layout.   My brain stood up, shook off the warm milk and was hooked!  I googled Project Life, I hashtag searched, I YouTubed Project Life videos during my morning treadmill can see it's developed into a *smidgen* of an obsession new hobby interest.

Let me begin by saying, I am not a scrapbooker.  I tried once, bought three sheets of coordinating paper, and a folder thingy to hold those three sheets of paper.....and they sat there for...hmm....I think I only had one child at that time....that's been a while.  I just couldn't commit.  I have lots of friends who scrapbook and create amazing layouts...but I just couldn't do it.

Project Life is super different...tiny little pockets, to fill with lots of beautiful paper, little snippets of our week, day to day photos....maybe that's what hooked me.  I revel in our day to day.  The adorable things our kids say, funny Instagram photos, all the poop jokes that seem to pop up at the dinner table (I live with three men)'s all awesome and makes up the entirety of our life.  It's basically scrapbooking for life, rather than occasional special events.  I. LOVE. IT.

Oh, and it indulges my penchant for squirreling away every little bit of paper/ticket stub/business card.....

The first week of 2014 lasted for...I'm pretty sure....eleven years.  I was so excited to get my first photos from the year developed and jump into my first layout!! I've decided to do a two page spread for each week (unless we have a super boring, everyone slept all week, kinda week)  One layout= one week, for the entirety of the year.

 That grapefruit photo = Love.  One of those things I would probably forget Marshall ever said....but now I have it captured.  I just keep my journal with me, laying on the table, in my purse, whatever, and just jot down quick tidbits of the day....then at the end of the week I go through my dslr, my Instagram pics and the journal and pull out the good stuff.  No staging, no fancy stuff, just our real life.

My folks are gonna be all over this.  Can't wait to show it to you Mom and Dad!!  Now if I can wrangle in "artist" Jen and let the layout come to rest rather than fiddling it to death and we'll be all set!!  I'll post a pic of the finished layout when it settles in!

love and light,


  1. I absolutely love this!! What a great idea. A gorgeous celebration of the minutiae of the life!

    1. Yes! I love the little tidbits....those really are the best parts of life! :-)

  2. I've seen this around. So cute & yours is turning out really good! I'd love to do this someday :)

    1. I must have been living under a rock! The first I had heard of Project Life was only a few weeks ago!! I am having lots of fun with truly is addicting!

  3. I've always been fascinated by Project Life and think I'd probably love it, too. Do you just have your photos printed locally? That's always been my hold-up - will I actaully print photos weekly and keep it up or will it all need to be done at the end of the year. ;)

    Love your layout!

    1. You WOULD love it Kim!! I am having so much fun with it! I have my photos printed at a photography store in Cedar Rapids at the start of each week. Levi picks them up for me and then I work on the previous week's layout.

  4. I love scrapbooking and always find an appreciation for it. It looks fabulous! I'm proud and it's not even my work haha


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