Friday, March 4, 2011

The Curse is Broken....I Hope

We survived it.  We survived the cursed cake auction week.  There is no guarantee that we won't all become ill tonight....but we made it past the school week.  If you aren't familiar with the cursed cake auction, let me explain.  For nearly every year we have lived in the North Cedar school district I've been asked to produce a cake for the Post Prom fundraiser cake auction.  I've put together some pretty wacky creations.....

BUT, every year (except for this one so far) someone in our family has become terribly ill the week of the auction.  First, my oldest came down with pneumonia and was hospitalized, then my youngest developed a sixth nerve palsy, required emergency ear tube surgery (eye crossing brought on by a severe ear infection) another year.  We've had stomach flu, ear infections, walking pneumonia, shingles, name it....the cursed cake auction has dealt it to us. 

 But then...perhaps....we can only pray...cross your fingers and toes.....we MAY have broken the curse. (or maybe we are just getting some Superman strength immunity)

 The German Chocolate Bundt cake may have broken the curse.  By far the simplest cake I've produced for this auction....perhaps that's a lesson to me....simple is okay.


  1. I am so happy for you that your curse is broken. Ha ha! I had something similar like that happen to me. Your cake is georgeous. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I love German Choc cake!

  2. Cake looks great. Stay healthy and enjoy your weekend.

  3. jen - this cake looks amazing. seriously. i can barely stand the drizzle on the top. yum!!


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