Friday, January 22, 2010

Free Pillow Makeovers

My pillows are kicking up their heels and trying on their pretty spring clothes. Valentine's Day in our house doesn't involve a lot of pink or romantic fluffy objects (remember I live with three men) so I try to keep things neutral...not too butch, not too girly. My decorating scheme after Christmas has gone in the direction of spring...but a little icy spring. Lots of icy blues and reds, naturals...definitely appealing to me at least.
My pillows are getting a springtime/Valentine's Day makeover...or at least a slipcover makeover. I love these pillows for fall/winter...the turkey is a favorite (from this post)...but spring is coming and they need a little slipcover pick me up until fall arrives again. The pillows all tried on their new clothes and swapped and traded until everything looked right. Don't you just love fabric remnants? Had these laying around. They're in the sewing room now, almost ready to walk down the runway....check back!
LOVE the velvety red rose fabric...and the icy blue "wood grain"....and the embroidered silk....
oh I love it all, who am I kidding.

And just so you know, this is the face men give you when your pillows are "trying on clothes". Boy, let me tell you, they're impressed. ;-)


  1. Hi! I am new to your blog, but LOVE it, just went through the archives!!! Anybody that loves the ReStore is okay in my book! And I love how you did your porch floor, exactly what I have to do this spring to my porch, and I am dreading it. I was going to rent a sander, but I have the same sander as you do in the pic, so maybe I can just use that too and save the money from renting one...I hope it doesn't take too long, but yours turned out GREAT!
    Nice to meet ya, and look forward to future posts!

  2. Ha! You just have to love that facial expression.

    Can't wait to see which fabrics you decide to use, they are all so pretty I'm sure it's going to be a hard choice.


I kinda love comments, who doesn't? Nice comments. Only. I'm picky that way. ;-)