Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Cursed Cake Auction

It is once again time to present my cakes to the cursed North Cedar Post Prom Cake Auction. Every year for the past....hmmm.....I don't know....a lot of years, I have donated cakes to this worthy cause. EVERY.YEAR. some calamity befalls us in the days surrounding said cake auction. One year the calamity was so severe I had to call and say, "no cakes this year". Our oldest was in the hospital with pneumonia. SO, in the fine tradition of the cursed cake auction, we are once again ill, (not hospitalized thank goodness) and are being pounded with rain (which in turn floods our basement). Now, I'm not saying it's the cake auction's fault....well....yes I am. Maybe I should take next year test the theory. ;-)

This year I produced a cake for the Mill Creek Cafe to donate....this is she. The Spring Cupcake Bouquet. Lovely I think. And we won't tell how easy this was....'cause I'm thinkin' it looks downright snazzy. A little foam here, a little hot glue there....add some sparkly
cupcakes and voila.

The cake I am donating on behalf of moi is the Ice Cream Cone Pullapart Cupcake Cake.
Yes, the name has to be that long, don't laugh. Devil's food cupcakes, lined up ice cream cone style....decorated and there you go. The ICCPCC was born.

Oh, and if you try this at home here's a little tip....squirt a plop of icing on the bottom of each cupcake to glue it down to the wouldn't want your beautiful creation to go sliding right off. Not like mine did that or anything. ;-)

This was a fun one.

Cake auction, oh cake auction...please be nice to us next year. Please.

Interested in seeing some of my previous cake auction concoctions? Here they are!
Don't be afraid...I don't think you can be cursed just by looking at them. ;-)

Linking up to:


  1. Those are adorable. Can cakes be adorable? :)

    I'm always in awe of people who can decorate cakes. I can't. It's really pitiful.

    I checked out your past cakes ... all were wonderful!!

  2. Seriously, you are so talented! I'm a wee bit jealous of your cake decorating! I'm so glad to find your blog, you are really funny! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  3. These are so cool! I love the basket with flowers - so clever.


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