Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our Christmas Pledge

The crafting has now begun! Since I was very small I LOVED to make gifts for my family...I loved the anticipation of waiting for them to open their gift and was always excited to see their response, which, because I have a wonderful loving family, has always been positive.
After last Christmas, my dear husband and I decided that NEXT year (a short month and a half away now) we were going to stick to a Christmas pledge in our gift giving. The following is our pledge (although we may fudge a little).
Jen & Levi's Christmas Pledge:
We will give only gifts that are
1) CONSUMABLE (ie a nice tray of baked goodies, an Amana ham, a case of yummy
Millstream Cream Soda, etc).
2) LOCALLY MADE (ie local crafters, local meat producers, etc)
3) HANDMADE BY US (ie the many creations that are now in the works in Jen's crafting extravaganza! ;-)
We want to get back to the true meaning of Christmas and teach our kids the same. It's not about running out at the last minute and grabbing the last pair of pine scented Santa underwear off the shelf and waiting in line to purchase said undergarments behind a dozen other cranky's about spending time with those we love...and if gift giving is a part of that, then show them you thought about them all year and came up with a very special token of that.e

1 comment:

  1. I think this is such a good idea! How did it go? Were you able to stick with it?


I kinda love comments, who doesn't? Nice comments. Only. I'm picky that way. ;-)

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