Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Garden Preservation Report

A little update on the garden progress.....the tick marks count as a quart bag (until tomato season kicks in....then it's usually by the quart jar) The two lonely quart bags of raspberries made it into the freezer only after I braved the 8:30pm mosquitoes to gather (sans children ;-)
I have tiny tomatoes to report....and tiny greenbeans...we're off to the races folks!


  1. Looks like you are on a roll. the girls picked their first fist full of green beans yesterday! Such an excited moment!

  2. wow! so many peas already! here's to a plentiful harvest!!

  3. Wow!

    Can I ask you a question about the snap peas? We blanched and froze some peas, too, after I saw your post. And, we were really disappointed in them when we ate them. They got really wrinkly and didn't taste very good. Any suggestions? We didn't cook them very long and we like them a little crispy. Hubby is so picky with veggies, I'd like to perfect these so we can eat more than corn.


I kinda love comments, who doesn't? Nice comments. Only. I'm picky that way. ;-)

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