Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of First Grade

Today was my big guy's first day of first grade. And that First grade? Wasn't he just born? I'm pretty sure he was. I only get to have him, full time, for twelve more years. That's just not enough. He's just so great.
He's so fearless independent....a "big kid".

On Monday night we attended the school's "back to school" night...a chance to drop off the armloads of supplies in their classroom, meet their teacher, find their locker. Yes, world, he has a locker now....and a desk.....a tiny, brown desk with his name on it. His teacher gave him this bus to color and bring back. Okay, so I have the most open minded worldly six year old on the planet. I'm just sayin'. Do you see the people on his bus?
Take a closer look. And trust me....we live in Iowa....enough said. White bread capital of the world. Oh how I miss college town....diversity. But my little guy gets it...even if he doesn't see it everyday.
And little brother couldn't be outdone. (I'm getting the hang of this mommy gig....I photocopied the bus before Marsh started....I knew Clanc would want to color one too!!) He's equally equal people, pink dogs...we've got it all.)
So in honor of the first day we baked chocolate chip zucchini bread (and another very not healthy treat not to be mentioned....but oh how delicious....he he he.)
And while I baked my big guy did this....just because he wanted to help mommy, he said. And he did an awesome job.
I gave birth to him, he's all mine....for twelve more years at least.....
and then I'll just beg him to come home from college every weekend. ;-)


  1. My little brothers name is Marshall and when I saw the bus with his name written on that all I could think was "wait...where'd she get that paper from?" It looks just like his handwriting! Identical!

  2. What a great little guy you have! Love the shot of him walking ahead. He's going to be a school star isn't he?


I kinda love comments, who doesn't? Nice comments. Only. I'm picky that way. ;-)

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