Friday, December 3, 2010

Over the River and Through the Woods...To Miss Effie's House We Go

We're feeling the Christmas cheer around here. So much so that we are tending to avoid anything that resembles ACTUAL work...and favoring fun trips, yummy treats and snowball fights.

Today that fun trip led us here....for yummy treats. Miss Effie's Flower Farm. Okay, so not so much for the flowers at the moment....but guess what else is on Miss Effie's Flower Farm? The Summer Kitchen.

Filled with all this goodness.

And more goodness.

And even more goodness.

Half of which came home with us. (Okay not half....but we made a dent.) Turtle cocoa mix, grape jam, apple pie jam, red wine strawberry jam, 3 dozen eggs that are so pretty it pains me to break each one open, and......Christmas gifts....can't tell you what those are!
After visiting with one of the most delightful women I know (Cathy, aka Miss Effie) we made our way home. To which, I may or may not have opened every single jar to taste. ;-) The cocoa had my kids rolling on the floor moaning in delight. Yep, it's that good. And the jam had nearly the same effect on my husband...he just didn't feel like laying on the floor. he he he.

By the time we got home the flakes were beginning to fall. Snowball on!
First a little brotherly love.

Then Mommy asked to take a "nice photo". My model citizen on the left posed sweetly. My rabble rouser on the right decided to be a funny guy.

And a little more funny guy.

Isn't digital the best? I just kept shooting...I knew I'd catch that little devil with a normal grin. ;-)
About this time we got cold, went inside and drank more cocoa.
PS. Cathy was kind enough to spark my memory......PLEASE DON'T COME TO MY HOUSE TOMORROW. YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED.
I forgot to share with all my bloggy friends.....the Holiday Home Tour has been postponed until December 2011.....and IT.WILL.BE.AWESOME. I won't get into the details...but I promise you won't be disappointed next year. I'll keep you all aprised of the dates/details/another year of insane projects to get ready!!


  1. I'm still bummed that there's no holiday open house. But, given the weather. it's probably for the best. So jealous that you visited Miss Eff. Jealous.

  2. sounds like a magic place. wish it was closer!


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