Take it all in. Isn't this the most stunningly beautiful bathroom EVER?
I KEEEED, I KEEEED. Frankly our bathroom has made me wrinkle my nose from day one. It had been "remodeled" shortly before we bought the house. In the interest of not offending anyone I'll just say it wasn't "my taste." A little too oakey oak and brassy.
As the years wore on (seven to be exact) the bathroom became more than an eyesore. Mold became an issue, the vinyl flooring was scuffed and icky, the shower started to leak and we were just tired of the giganto Jacuzzi hamper. So, I did what any smart girl would do. I called
Rich. My superhero.
And he got RIGHT TO WORK!! No more Jacuzzi hamper! Or moldy drywall!
Goodbye bane of my existence exhaust fan.
Rich took it down....along with the entire ceiling. We discovered that the room was about half this size originally, with a porch on the rear. The fan had been installed incorrectly and was not venting correctly....and was full of mold too. It's a miracle we didn't all croak.
Thank goodness all this grossness is gone.
And then there was the shower. The leaky, installed incorrectly, yucky teeny shower....with the mauve "privacy" lines. Goodbye 1993.
Hello 2011! Okay, not quite yet.....but we're making progress! All the shower bits rode away in the back of Rich's truck....and went to live on a farm somewhere where they will be so happy and can run free. ;-)
Jacuzzi hamper and shower combo....that's a lot of bathing options. Too many for us. I found the LAST right hand drain cast iron tub on the planet on Saturday. It's in the back of my husband's pickup waiting to find its way to its new home. I should have taken its photo....but now it's dark so I'll wait til tomorrow. ;-)
Bye bye tub and shower. (Sorry for the blurry photo....stuff happens.)
Goodbye Hollywood lights...you never all lit at the same time....and made me sweaty standing in front of you. There were THREE GFI outlets on this wall. THREE. I'm not sure if they made toast in here while blowdrying their hair and playing records or what? I don't use a blowdryer or curling iron (I have no skills in that department)....or anything that gets plugged into the bathroom, besides my toothbrush....and I have two BOYS. I had Rich cut it back to ONE outlet on that wall. I mean, for reals? Three?
Imagine in your mind's eye two cute little tables with sinks, beadboard, pretty mirrors, shiny chrome faucets, gorgy gorgeous antique sconces and white hex floor tile!! :-)
More tomorrow! Maybe I'll actually snap a photo of Rich DOING work....the poor man is in there, with the door shut, with no air conditioning vent (yes, that meant we also had NO HEAT...EVER in the bathroom!!!!). He's a trooper, this one.